SG系列C型(弓型)油压机 特点: 1、采用内置式快速缸,空行程速度快,生产效率高; 2、方便的手动调整机构可调整压头或上工作台在行程中任意位置压制,也可在设计行程内任意调整快进和工进行程的长短; 3、压力可按工艺需要无级调整; 4、整体焊接的坚固开式结构可使机身保持足够刚性的同时拥有较方便的操作空 间。 适用范围: 1、金属或非金属零件压印、成型、浅拉深、整形及压力装配等; 2、眼镜、锁具及五金零件的压制、电子接插件、电器零件、电机转 、定子压装 等。 供应昆山油压机 苏州油压机 上海油压机 南京油压机 江苏油压机 杭州油压机 温州油压机 宁波油压机 浙江油压机 嘉兴油压机 济南油压机 合肥油压机 武汉油压机 长沙油压机 长春油压机 Advantage: 1, using the built-in quick-cylinder, air travel speed, high production efficiency; 2, easy manual adjustment mechanism to adjust the head or anywhere on the table during the journey and repression, but also can be adjusted fast forward and work carried out within the design process the length of the trip; 3, the pressure can process requires stepless adjustment; 4, the overall rugged welded open structure allows the body to maintain sufficient rigidity also has the most convenient operating space. Application: 1, the metal or non-metal parts stamping, forming, shallow drawing, shaping and assembly pressure; 2, glasses, locks and hardware pressed parts, electronic connectors, electrical parts, motor rotor, stator press-fit.